Village Halls Week
#VillageHallsWeek is a national annual campaign, shining a spotlight on the contribution England’s 10,000+ village halls make to rural communities. It's an opportunity for hall management committees to celebrate their work and get inspiration from others.
Save The Date! 17 - 23 March 2025
The theme for Village Halls Week 2025 is celebrating, encouraging & supporting village hall volunteers. During the week halls are encouraged to hold events, share stories and be inspired! Whether you plan a special event for Village Halls Week, or simply want to celebrate at your usual community get together, everyone's welcome to get involved. Post photos and messages about what's great about your hall and the volunteers who run it, on social media using #VillageHallsWeek and @ACTCumbria so we can share your news.
Register for free resources
Register here with ACRE by 10th December 2024 for free resources to help your hall take part, including bunting, badges and posters.
The annual week-long celebration, organised since 2018 by ACRE (Action with Communities in Rural England) and the ACRE Network – England’s largest network of rural community support organisations – is a big collective “thank you” to all volunteers who work tirelessly to keep community buildings and village halls open for the benefit of local residents, groups and rural businesses.
Village Halls Week 2024:
Last year's theme celebrated everything village halls can do to 'go green' - how buildings can be more energy efficient and how hall management committees can support sustainable and environmentally friendly behaviours in their community. During the week halls were encouraged to hold events, share stories and be inspired!
Read ACT's 2024 Village Halls Week News Release including quotes from halls across Cumbria, and the ACT Blog about the importance of Village Halls.
ACRE Blog about village halls going green