Photo: Fellrunner bus; and transport meeting organised by ACT.

Transport and access to services

ACT assists communities to explore ways to access services. Due to the rural nature of our area this often involves travelling around and beyond the local area.

While ACT does not provide transport or vehicles, we do work with transport providers to explore how they can best meet communities needs.

We support and help develop community transport groups where there is enthusiasm to meet local needs. We assist communities to explore and evidence need and consider ways to meet it.

We also work at local, County and national level to try and influence the planning, provision and means by which people and communities can travel to the services they need.

Research into the appetite for change in travelling in the Lake District

The Report on Appetites to travel differently in the Lake District - Where do you want to go? Reports available now.

People do want to travel differently, to protect the environment and to see fewer cars on the road, to make space for bikes and walking. Some visitors are prepared to travel differently on holiday. Locals want to support an integrated, affordable, accessible public transport system.

In the words of one person who attend a focus group –“ If we don’t change what we are doing, (with transport and travel) we will face disaster”

The reports are available here -

Transport Appetite Report Main

Transport Appetite Report Summary

Please do send us any comments or thoughts on the summary and report and let us know if you feel a local discussion would be useful. Please contact

This recording shows the event on the 24th November 2023 where the main results were shared.

There are also two sets of slides from the event which include a summary of the information shared and a press release in news and events here:

The chat record from the meeting will be uploaded shortly with some responses to questions raised.

A full report of the research will be available in the New Year.

If you are interested in discussing the detailed research please contact Lorrainne:

Sustainable Transport in the Lake District – Presentations and discussion 7th October 2022, 9am - 11am 

This event was part of the research that was detailed in the Lake District National Park Management Plan. ACT hosted this event for the Sustainable Transport and Travel Key Outcome Group.

The event was to inform the framing of three research priorities of the LDNPP Management Plan Outcome 5, namely:

  • How visitors and residents would like to move [to and] around the park.
  • How to address congestion and net zero with respect to transport
  • Better awareness of relevant global innovation in the transport and mobility sector, specifically in relation to behaviour change and implementation.

And in doing this, understand more clearly the appetite for change across stakeholder groups and the nature of any changes possible and needed in regard to Lake District access and transport.

The experts presenting at the event were as follows:

  • Professor Jillian Anable, Chair of Transport and Energy, Leeds University – scenarios for future access and travel to the Lake District that consider current and emerging understanding of the social trends in how people travel and the imperatives and legal obligations to decarbonise travel.
  • James Berresford, Deputy chair of the Peak District National Park – visitor economy & national parks scenarios that balance the need to widen access whilst limiting car-borne journeys, referring to studies on traffic omissions, attitudinal surveys, and plans for recreation hubs and rail and trail connectivity.
  • James Blake – CEO of the Youth Hostel Association - future scenarios of access and transport that tackle the current social exclusion linked to car dependency and cost.
  • Stephen Joseph – Transport Policy Advisor - scenarios on best practice available in the UK, notably integrated public transport as in Cornwall, moves towards traffic management and charging for car parking Snowdonia, car clubs, DRT, e-bike hire, zero carbon commuting including structured car sharing, and rural hubs. Linking to wider spatial planning and economic development policies, recognising the LDNPA transport will be influenced by activities in the areas around it like West Cumbria

A recording of the event can be seen below:

A summary report and the full report on the "Sustainable Transport in the Lake District" event are available below:

Sustainable Transport in the Lake District: Summary of webinar event held on October 7th, 2022

Sustainable Transport in the Lake District: Full report of webinar event held on October 7th, 2022

The slides presented are here:

Jillian Anable - Sustainable Transport Presentation

James Blake - Sustainable Rural Transport

Stephen Joseph - Sustainable Transport Presentation

There will be further work on this research with Focus groups, an online survey and street surveys in the spring.

If you have any comments after viewing these resources please complete this form:

Comments relating to the "Sustainable Transport in the Lake District" event

ACT has helped develop and facilitates the Cumbria Mobility Network

Cumbria Mobility Network 2017 08 22 Final

CMN works with statutory, private and community providers to plan and deliver effective, evidence based access to services solutions.

ACT assists the Community Transport in Cumbria Network that is facilitated by the County Council. The Forum supports all community transport providers across the county to discuss operational issues and to discuss new and emerging opportunities.

Cumbria County Council offers a range of transport in the community solutions.

ACT works with Healthwatch Cumbria and the North Cumbria CCG to address access to medical services using the Patient Transport Service - PTS. We support resolution of issues and advocate for rural access.

Access to services is not always about travel. Improved broadband has facilitated many services to be delivered to people’s homes or community buildings. Where transport solutions are not viable this can sometimes be a solution.

ACT can support your community to look at solutions to access services. Contact us to discuss your needs and ideas.

What people say about ACT

  • Focus on the local and what matters

    Chris Rush

Relevant Resources

Guidance Sheets

Research & Other Publications

  • Community Transport Report 2018

    Research report on Community Transport groups strengths and challenges conducted by a degree student on placement with ACT

Toolkits & Workbooks

  • Questionnaire Design Guide

    Being able to put together a survey which is easy to understand, and will give you the information you need, is a useful skill for any community group, particularly those doing Community Led Plans. This guide provides an introduction to writing questionnaires, the types of questions to avoid, how to ensure your survey is accessible to all, and how to analyse the results.

  • Sustainable Communities Workbook

    A discussion tool to help assess your community's sustainability and plan for the future.

Case Studies