Hallmark Quality Standard
Hallmark is a nationally recognised quality standard scheme for the management of community buildings/village halls. In Cumbria the scheme is overseen by ACT and backed up by trained peer visitors.
There are three Hallmark awards, each must be achieved in the order shown, and is valid for three years:
- Hallmark 1 - Charity essentials and administration
Assesses whether the hall is complying with the requirements of its charitable status - Hallmark 2 - Legislation: safety, licensing and maintenance
Assesses compliance with legislative issues - Hallmark 3 - Community & social awareness, communications, forward planning and development
Examines the role of the hall in community and how it interacts with its users and the wider community
Participation in the Hallmark Scheme is entirely voluntary and is beneficial to halls in many ways including:
- Providing funders and other interested organisations, with a benchmark for a well managed hall
- Gives village hall volunteers confidence that they are running the hall in the correct way
- Discounts on some insurance premiums for halls with a Hallmark award
Participating halls carry out a self assessment using the Hallmark checklist (below). To achieve accreditation each hall is then assessed by two trained volunteer 'visitors' who are also committee members of other halls in Cumbria. Participating halls are required to contribute £50 towards the cost of the visit and volunteer travel.
ACT would also like to hear from any experienced community building trustees who would be interested in volunteering as a Hallmark visitor.
More information is available in the documents displayed below.
Contact us for more information, to arrange a Hallmark assessment visit, or if you are interested in becoming a volunteer Hallmark visitor.